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Thursday 5 May 2011

Bin Laden escape plan

Bin Laden
In the two days after al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden’s death, a wealth of information has emerged about the last several hours of his life.
Bin Laden's clothing had 500 euros sewn into it, sources told ABC News. Intelligence officials are also analyzing 10 cell phones, 10 computers and a 100 thumb drives confiscated from the sprawling compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, during the 40-minute raid that resulted in bin Laden's death.
The cell phones and thumb drives were likely used by the two couriers living with bin Laden. Officials are going through each computer running keyword searches using words like "explosives" or "weddings." Weddings is a word often used by al Qaeda to signify a bombing. They are also tracing the phone numbers found.
Also seized from the compound near Islamabad were around 100 digital media items, disks, DVDs, pen drives, and other things, the report said. They were transported to an FBI facility for examination.

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